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Upholsterer Joe Koplinka at work. (Photo credit: Doug Young)

When I slotted in a story about Wallace Design Center, the long-time North Fork upholstery shop, my executive editor gave me a very unsubtle cocked eyebrow, as if to say, “Upholstery? You’re going to write a story about upholstery?!? How much could you possibly have to say about re-covering furniture?”


It’s a craft that dates back to the Middle Ages and, up until fairly recently, was still robust in the United States. But as the Targets and IKEAs of the world have created an entirely new sect of disposable furnishings and, perhaps, the fickleness that goes along with a Tik Tok-addicted society that wants new, newer, newest, the craftspeople who can take a couch or a chair or a little stepstool down to its good bare bones and rebuild it have dwindled.

The work done by Riverhead resident Joe Koplinka, who’s been at the shop since its eponymous founder, Joe Wallace, opened it and after current owners Renee and Mike Lisowy took it over, is something that deserves a light shone on it. His careful re-construction, construction and sewing take pieces that could easily wind up in the trash heap and turn them into gorgeous heirlooms and collectibles. Or, just a really lovely spot to sit and read a good book. (I can attest: He and his dad, where learned the trade, were responsible for at least two re-do’s of my parents sturdy family couch where we laughed, cried, watched TV, napped, played Go Fish, argued, hugged and all other aspects of family-centric activities.)

Read the story here. Thanks for keeping the care and craft alive and well, Joe, Renee and Mike — I hope you’re around for another 70 years!