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Hey, hey! Well, we’re feeling pretty happy and proud of our staff over here at Times Review Media. Please join us in raising a glass to our stellar staff writers, who won big at last week’s annual Press Club of Long Island awards ceremony. Held at the The Fox Hollow in Woodbury, Long Island, the annual media awards ceremony honors excellence in journalism every year (ever more important in our AI-infiltrated world — fight the good fight, fellow writers!). 

Southforker and Northforker took home four top awards in writing and photography for the following pieces:

Dave Aripotch getting ready for another trek out to sea. (Photo credit: Jeremy Garretson)

1st place, Lifestyle Feature Narrative: “The Heart of the Sea: Montuak Fisherman Are in it for the Long Haul” by Chris Francescani, photographs by Jeremy Garretson

Rites of Spring Music Festival founder Paolo Bartolani photographed in his home. (Photo credit: David Benthal)

1st place, Arts Narrative: “Listening to the Landscape: Rites of Spring Music Festival Implores North Forkers to Rethink Classical Music and Interact with Their Environment” by Nicholas Grasso, photographs by Nicholas Grasso for Northforker

Chef Ryan Barth-Dwyer makes the case for monkfish. (Photo credit: David Benthal)

1st place, Food and Beverage Narrative: “Making the Case for Monkfish” by Victoria Caruso, photographs by David Benthal for Northforker

The tables are always full at Il Capuccino. (Photo credit: Doug Young)

3rd place, Food and Beverage Narrative: “Ciao, Bella! Il Capuccino Ristorante Feeds Your Hunger and Your Heart” by Emily Toy, photographs by DOUG YOUNG for Southforker

If you didn’t read them the first time around, we highly encourage you to click on the links and read ’em now. These great pieces are the result of the passionate, astute, talented work of the writers we’re very lucky to work with. Cheers to them!