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Bring your mat  into the beautiful Landcraft Garden for yoga, meditation, and breathing. Soak up the healing powers of nature and movement as you walk back into your day feeling energized and reset, ready to be your best self. Spend time exploring Landcraft’s many “garden rooms” and its labyrinth after class. All ages welcome. Pay at the door. 


With a master’s in education and 10 years as a behavioral therapist, Jess completed her 200-hour teacher training certification with Betsy Kase at Yoga Haven in Scarsdale, NY.  She received her certification in Pranakriya Prenatal Yoga at the Kripalu Center in June 2014. She is also certified in Kids Yoga and Mindfulness with Clare Matola at Yoga Haven.


Come share your practice with Jess; you will breathe, stretch, fall, pick yourself up again, learn to smile, laugh, and live in the present moment – finding your inner child and heart center.