This winter, join us every Tuesday evening on zoom for a PowerPoint presentation in the fine arts, presented by Jerry Matovcik. Join one session or join them all.
Jan. 9th Snow on Snow on Snow: Robert Frost, Christina Rossetti, Avram Sutzskver, Emily
Dickinson, et al.; paired with Chagall, Gauguin, Georgione, etc. Jan. 16th Peruse How Infinite I
Am: The Many Voices of Emily Dickinson Jan. 23rd Sensations Sweet:
Wordsworth’s Beloved Lake District Jan. 30th The Skater of Ghost Lake by Wm. Rose
Benet. The Highwayman by Alfred Noyes. Feb. 6th I Carry Your Heart with
Me: Universal Love Stories, Andrea Bocelli Songs. Feb. 13th Harbor of My Heart:
Love Poems, Andrea Bocelli Songs Feb. 20th The Beautiful Changes: The Poetry of
Richard Wilbur Feb. 27th Poems That Make Grown Men Cry, Part One.