“Sylvia,” a sassy stray dog (played by a human) is brought home from Central Park and becomes a major bone of contention for Greg and Kate. A street-smart mixture of (possibly) Lab and poodle, Sylvia offers Greg an escape from the frustrations of his job and the unknowns of middle age. While Kate considers Sylvia a rival for Greg’s affection, Sylvia sees Kate as clueless about the bond between man and dog. After a series of hilarious and touching complications, all three learn lessons about the importance of compromise and the power of love.
“Sylvia” runs at the Quogue Community Hall from May 27 to June 13, with performances on Thursdays and Fridays at 7, Saturdays at 2:30 and 8, and Sundays at 2:30.
Discount tickets for “Sylvia” are available for veterans, Native Americans, seniors, patrons under 35, and students. For reservations and information on all available discounts, visit www.hamptontheatre.org or email [email protected].
To purchase tickets, visit www.hamptontheatre.org, or call the HTC box office at 1-631-653-8955.