Fictional Narratives delves into the imaginative worlds of national award-winning artists Richard Aardsma, Laura Dodson and Marisa S White as they present their visions through photomontage, still life and scenic design that observe nuances of nostalgia, surrealism, transformation, and the human condition.
Please join us this Saturday, September 4 from 6-8pm for an in-person Reception for the opening of our new exhibition, Fictional Narratives. Enjoy some bubbly and light bites outside on Gallery Grounds and then step inside the Gallery for the exhibition. Open to the public.
Masks are required for all visitors inside the Gallery. Check our website for all COVID precautions.
Gallery Talk with the Artists on Zoom – Wednesday, September 15 at 6:00PM EDT
Join us on Zoom for a Gallery Talk with the artists from the “Fictional Narratives” exhibit. Richard Aardsma, Laura Dodson and Marisa S White will be discussing their works on exhibit and sharing their wondrous stories. Registration is required. Click link below to register: