The latest exhibit at Alex Ferrone Gallery in Cutchogue connects the digital world to traditional artistic mediums in unexpected ways. The show, entitled “Hybrid,” will debut Saturday, Oct. 14, featuring works by artists Roz Dimon, Colin Goldberg and Qin Han.
Goldberg, whose work focuses on the intersection of digital and traditional mediums and has exhibited alongside Ferrone at other galleries, was the inspiration for the exhibit, said Ferrone, who opened the gallery in 2013. Dimon and Qin were also natural fits.
“The ‘Hybrid’ exhibit features three individual artistic series created from very personal experiences,” said Ferrone, a fine art photographer. “All of the intriguing works have components of various artistic disciplines such as painting, drawing and photography combined with digital technology.”
Goldberg’s pieces mix his landscape photographs with paint using a technique he refers to as “techspressionism.”
“I like the physicality of the paint and kind of getting my hands dirty and having a sense of texture on the canvas,” said Goldberg, who lives in Rocky Point.
Dimon’s 9/11-inspired piece, “Pale Male,” which has been acquired by the 9/11 Memorial Museum for its permanent collection, will also be featured in the gallery.
“It’s a piece about hope,” said Dimon, of Shelter Island, who is known for her registered multi-layered technique, known as DIMONscape. “It’s a piece about finding home when your own is completely demolished.”
The work is composed of multiple image layers and is designed as a state-of-the-art LED light box. Lit from behind, it resembles a stained glass window.
Viewers can scan a nearby QR code with their smart phones, which takes them to a website ( that displays the layers used in creating the piece.
“It lets you inside its story in multiple layers, as if you were the artist creating the piece,” Dimon said.
The tool also helps explain the piece’s title. You will see an image of Pale Male, the famous New York City hawk that was one of the first to nest on a New York City building rather than in a tree. But also included is an image of Jesus Christ, crucified and drained of blood, another interpretation of the term “pale male.”
There are 80 to 100 layers in the piece, Dimon said, including images of the Nike swoosh as well as references to the World Trade Center and the image of Christ.
“It’s a piece that puts the secular with the sacred,” she said.
Qin’s work, which combines cyanotype, digital editing, plotter printing and acrylic painting, investigates human movement and immigration.
Placing the work of three artists next to one another, a theme emerged, Ferrone said.
“After putting the three bodies of work together, the concept of ‘home’ appeared in each of the three series and was an unanticipated connection,” Ferrone said. “Each artist has a personal relevance to their concept of home in their works. That was a wonderful, and even emotional, surprise.”
“Hybrid” will be on display at Alex Ferrone Gallery through Nov. 8. An opening reception is set for Oct. 14 from 6 to 8 p.m.