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For the second time in a matter months, there is word that Schmidt’s may not be long for Shelter Island. But this time, the word is coming from owner Dennis Schmidt who wrote a large message on the front window of the store announcing that the business is for sale. He’s inviting interested parties to make him an offer.

So is Schmidt’s, the popular store in the premises long occupied by Fedi’s since opening in June 2013, really getting ready to pull up stakes on  the Shelter Island?

No one is talking, but a Schmidt’s employee said Monday that she’d heard selling the business might be related to earlier inidcations that Schmidt’s would leave the Island unless building owner Danny Calabro retracted a proposal to hike the rent.

At that time, Mr. Calabro didn’t return calls for comment and Mr. Schmidt declined comment, saying only that negotiations with the landlord were under way and he didn’t want to say anything that might disrupt those talks.

The Reporter will continue to pursue the story and post updates as they become available.