Spirit’s Promise Equine Rescue has announced they will continue to host their Farm Animal and Nature Virtual Classroom via Zoom every Wednesday from 12 to 12:30 p.m. through the month of August.
The Farm Animal and Nature Virtual Classroom allows children to visit the farm animals and learn about their traits and care.
The program is free and features horses, donkeys, pigs, goats, chickens and more. Hosted by Equus Life Coach, Marisa Striano, the program is supported by Spirit’s Promise Equine Rescue’s Equine for All Initiative, (www.spiritspromiserescue.org/equineforall ) which funds free and reduced equine related programs, services and events on Long Island. Those interested may register by visiting https://bit.ly/2yb4fn8.
For further information on Spirit’s Promise Equine Rescue, please visit //www.spiritspromiserescue.org.