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Back by popular demand is Sandi’s informative and invaluable workshop for African American family researchers! Come learn about African American family history research and the best genealogy resources to consult in this lecture by Sandi Brewster-Walker. For beginning and advanced genealogists alike with an interest in researching African American family histories, this workshop will cover using information sources, interpreting research data, incorporating new data, organizing records, and other useful strategies.

African American Genealogy, with Sandi Brewster-Walker
Saturday, February 29, 2020 – 1:00 pm
Members Free; Non-Members $5
Includes light refreshments + admission to current exhibits!
RSVP Required: 631-727-2881 x100

ABOUT THE SPEAKER: Genealogist and historian Sandi Brewster-Walker is a recipient of a 2017 Press Club of Long Island Media Award. Her columns have appeared in the Amityville Record, Babylon Beacon, Massapequa Post, and LI Boating World, among other publications. A Dowling College graduate, Brewster-Walker served as Deputy Director of the Office of Communications in the Department of Agriculture during the Clinton Administration. Her book, A Colored Girl from Long Island, tells the story of her early life in North Amityville.
