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Little Ram Oyster Co.’s new space in Southold (Credit: Instagram/littleramoysters)

You may have tried Little Ram oysters at Frisky Oyster or one of your other favorite places to dine. Or perhaps you’ve driven by their roadside stand in Southold and grabbed yourself a couple dozen to take home with you.

But now the popular shellfish company has a brand new location.

Owners Elizabeth Peeples and Stefanie Bassett seized the opportunity to grab the new spot, which is located at the newly renovated The Shoals on Main Road in Southold.

“When we found out about the space, we felt it was a really unique opportunity for us to work in what’s become a very limited working waterfront out on the East End,” Peeples said of the former scallop shop, which is zoned exclusively for aquaculture. “The idea is that we’re going to have all our operations and work out of the space. We’ll have our tumbler inside. All the surfaces are [made for] wet areas so we can just hose everything down.” 

The new space also holds Little Ram’s kitchen area. Little Ram is currently gearing up for the holidays and offering items like baked oysters, smoked oysters and other dishes. 

“We’ve added this working waterfront space into an area that hasn’t had anything like that in a long time,” said Peeples. “We’re [trying to] reinvigorate the working waterfront in our industry.”

The new space is located at The Shoals at 61600 Main Road, Southold, the former Heron Harbor Suites.

Editor’s Note: An earlier version of this post mentioned an open house the company was hosting this weekend. We’ve been told the event is now invite only. Sorry for any inconvenience.