AS A MOM OF TWO I KNOW it’s not nice to play favorites. But I can’t help myself: My favorite photo in this issue is David Benthal’s portrait of Quinn Corwin, granddaughter of Doug Corwin, president of Crescent Duck Farm in Aquebogue.
She’s plain adorable, for starters. But there’s also something about that duck egg, cradled in those tiny hands, that feels right for this moment.

March 2021 marks a year since the beginning of the pandemic that sent us all into a sort of incubation — trying to keep safe and warm but also quietly evolving. Personally, I’m cognizant of lessons learned but more than ready for the rebirth symbolized by that egg.
The photo is also meaningful in that Quinn represents at least the fifth generation to learn the ropes on her family’s duck farm, which we profile on page 30. Stories like this, of family knowledge passed down and kept alive, are all over the North Fork — continuity that gives the area its rich sense of history.
At the same time, our communities are capable of change, and this year has seen more than most. We’re excited to introduce you to Mexican-born, French-trained winemaker Lilia Perez, who is bringing fresh thinking to RGNY Winery. And I hope you’ll be inspired by our profile of Mary Sanchez, a second-home owner who moved to the North Fork last March and transformed her neighborhood. Her sweet story shows how positive change can be.
We’ve hatched some changes in the magazine this month, too — ones that I hope you’ll see as positive. We’ve added new columns with an emphasis on sharing our team’s insider info about what to eat (“The List”), where to explore (“Hidden North Fork”) and how to feather your North Fork nest (“Shop Local”). The design by Wendy Scofield modernizes our look while respecting the history of the beautiful magazine built by my colleagues, creative director Eric Hod, content director Grant Parpan and associate content director Michelina Da Fonte, among many others.
Springtime is in the air. Signs of renewal are around us. Let’s get cracking.
Sara Austin, Editorial Director