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Long Island Wine Council president and Wolffer Estate Vineyard winemaker Roman Roth. (Credit: Randee Daddona)

Dear Visitors and Friends,

The long and seemingly never-ending winter season is upon us with all its highs and lows. It’s a wonderful time to be cozy in front of a fireplace (with your favorite Long Island wine at arm’s length).

In case you forgot to stock up, or are running low on supplies, it’s also one of the best times to visit the East End’s wineries. You’ll get the royal treatment when you walk through the doors. The very best servers are eager to talk to you and to share all the secrets and details of each wine. There’s no rush and one can enjoy good conversations and focus on tasting the many fantastic wines that we have to offer.

After your winery visit, you’ll have no problem getting a table at our many wonderful restaurants.  It may be a little harder to find a large selection of Long Island wines on some of these wine lists, but that’s something that we all can work together on changing.  In most of the world’s wine regions, the local wines will dominate their menus.  They understand that a rising tide lifts all boats—that by working together to build a regional food and wine identity and destination one has a much bigger impact and chance to succeed. Furthering the notion that what grows together, goes together is as true here as it is in any of the great wine regions.

To make this change it takes pride, curiosity and loyalty.

Everybody on the East End and in New York should be proud of the amazing quality, achievements and accolades that our wines have received. We also need to be proud of our farmers, fisherman and all the many dedicated, hands-on business owners that are all part of this locavore movement. If we aren’t absolutely proud of what our region has to offer, than how can we spread this excitement and share this special dream?

Everybody should be curious and willing to try new things. How boring would life be if we had to drink or eat the same thing year in year out. To expand one’s horizon and to venture to new things is what has made the human mind grow.

And finally, I ask you all to be loyal and committed to going after our goal — to position New York as a world-class wine and food region!

These dark nights are ideal to explore, make new friends, rekindle old ones, find your new favorite wine, help to get more wines on our local wine lists, and then tuck in for a cozy night.

Be proud, be curious, be loyal,



President Long Island Wine Council
Partner and winemaker, Wölffer Estate Vineyard