Want some cooking inspiration from the chefs at Nick & Toni’s or dessert advice from the farmer behind Wickham’s Fruit Farm?
Then join Peconic Land Trust for its annual series of conversations with local farmers and food and beverage producers. Whether it’s a discussion on drinks with chef Noah Schwartz of Noah’s or dessert with Patty’s Berries and Bunches, there’s sure to be something for everyone.
The program, titled “Long Island Grown III: Food and Beverage Artisans at Work,” is the seventh in a series of lectures that focuses on some of Long Island’s most innovative chefs, growers and food producers. The lectures will be hosted by three-person panels over four Sundays during the months of March and April.
“We are very excited and are looking forward to another season of great conversation,” said Yvette DeBow-Salsedo, director of marketing and communications at Peconic Land Trust. “We have lots of North Fork farmers, producers and chefs participating in the conversations. Last year the series sold out.”
All the presentations will be held at Bridge Gardens in Bridgehampton and will be moderated by the East Hampton Star’s Food Editor Laura Donnelly. Refreshments will follow each presentation and attendees are encouraged to mingle with the panelists following each program.
Admission is $25 per person or $20 for current members of Bridge Gardens. Tickets for the entire series can be purchased for $90 per person or $70 for members. Pre-registration and pre-payment is required.
To register call the Peconic Land Trust at (631) 283-3195 or email at [email protected].
For more information about Peconic Land Trust and other events visit peconiclandtrust.org.
Bridge Gardens was established in 1988, then in 2008 the gardens were donated to the Peconic Land Trust. Since then Bridge Gardens has hosted a variety of educational and cultural programs, including this popular food lecture series.
Bridge Gardens is located at 36 Mitchell Lane in Bridgehampton.
March 6: “The Drink” featuring Vaughan Cutillo of Montauk Brewing Company, Michael Kontokosta of Kontokosta Winery and chef Noah Schwartz of Noah’s.
March 20: “The Appetizer” with Nadia Ernestus of Hamptons Brine, Mirijana Ujkic of Wild Feast Foods and chef Tom Schaudel of The Petulant Wino.
April 3: “The Entree” featuring Patty Gentry of Early Girl Farm, Richie King of North Sea Farms, chef Joe Realmuto of Nick & Toni’s and Ed Tuccio of North Quarter Farm.
April 17: “The Dessert” featuring Alexander Damianos of Duck Walk Vineyards, Patricia DiVello of Patty’s Berries and Bunches and Tom Wickham of Wickham’s Fruit Farm.