Like a fine wine, goat and sheep cheeses can get better with age.
That’s why Catapano Dairy Farm in Peconic recently began offering a ripened goat cheese under the moniker Summer Cloud.
And a Romano-style aged sheep cheese named Sundancer should be out sometime this summer.
“I’ve been eating the chevre for years and I love it, but I’m liking the Summer Cloud,” said farm co-owner Karen Catapano. “You could put it on asparagus or any grilled summer vegetable.”
The aged cheeses have a harder consistency than their fresh counterparts and the flavor is much stronger.
Summer Cloud goat cheese is aged about one year in wax rind, while Sundancer is aged six months in a washed rind, Catapano said.
The Catapanos plan to enter the aged cheeses into the American Cheese Society annual competition in Madison, Wis. The goat dairy has won four awards from the organization in the past.
Get them at Catapano Dairy Farm, 33705 Route 48 in Peconic.