[rafflecopter id=”rc-93e5870″]
AND THE WINNER IS…Kristin Modugno!
We are launching our first Rafflecopter giveaway (a very cool online raffle program).
Entering a Rafflecopter giveaway is easy.
How it works:
1 – Sign into the giveaway widget (above) with either your Facebook account or your name and email address and follow the instructions.
2 – For each task you enter into the widget (Like, Share, Retweet, Sign up for Newsletter, etc), you will receive an entry in the raffle. Facebook Likes and Shares, and Newsletter signups are worth 1 entry each; Retweets are worth 2 entries. The more you Like, Share and Retweet, the more entries you receive and the better chances you’ll have at winning.
3 – The raffle closes after 10 days (August 16) and winners are notified via email and on northforker.com.
For a more detailed description, click this link.
The Prize:
We are giving away two tickets to Harvest East End, THE wine & food event of the summer. 42 wineries and 34 restaurants are participating and will help celebrate 40 years of Long Island winemaking. The event benefits East End Hospice, Group for the East End, The Peconic Land Trust and the Long Island Farm Bureau Promotion and Education Foundation. Harvest East End takes place August 24th from 7 -9:30 at McCall Vineyards. If you don’t win the raffle we hope you’ll get tickets on your own for an this event that gives back so much to our community. harvesteastend.com