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It is a rainy Saturday afternoon in Greenport village after only some badgering I have convinced my co-worker Carrie to join me for a reading.  Me a true believer and she a skeptic, we’re equally curious to find out what the future holds.


I’d like to take this opportunity to tell friends, family and everyone I’ve ever met I’m getting married! Though I have no boyfriend, no prospects and have been happily single for the better part of two years, that’s all about to change, according to Greenport Psychic Pamela Reed.

Walking into the new storefront on Front Street, the shop wasn’t anything we expected. White leather couches and bright orange walls gave the feeling of modern lounge rather than a place for spiritual guidance, much to the excitement of Carrie who envisioned gypsies burning incense.

Both of us were comforted by Pamela’s welcoming manner and the promise that she’s never had a dissatisfied customer.

We inspected the crystals in the waiting area for a short time before being ushered into separate rooms for our readings.

Since she was 7 years old Pamela has been a practicing clairvoyant psychic, saying she has the ability to gain information about a person through a sixth sense.

Carrie and I each opt for a palm reading. This was not my first time seeking guidance from a psychic, so I volunteer to go first and hand over my palm.

“First off it shows me you were born to have a long life,” she said.

At which point I’m thinking,  “So far, so good.” She quickly changed topic to my career. “You should be very at peace with yourself in your older age because of the things you’ve accomplished at a younger age,” Pamela said.

She was right. I am proud of what I accomplished at 24 years old. For the past three years I’ve chased my dreams of becoming a journalist across six states and two time zones to end up right back where I started in Southold working for my hometown paper. I hit the lottery.

On the other hand, jumping from state to state leaves little time of romance—something Pamela was not shy about pointing out.

“In your life you were meant to achieve happiness through your career,” she said.

My initial thoughts are, “My boss will be so happy. I should go adopt a cat after this.”

Before I could decide on what type of kitty litter to buy, Pamela said the words that changed by mind.

“You are meant to be happy in love,” she said. “This year you will find a relationship that makes you feel complete. This person that I see coming into your life is going to make you feel like you’re home.”

How do y’all feel about orange bridesmaid dresses?



And then, it was my turn.

Putting skepticism aside, I switched spots with Cyndi and handed over my palm.

“First of all, it shows me you was born for a good thing. You was born for a lucky thing,” Pamela said.

Off the bat I’m thinking,  “Ok, Pamela; how lucky are we talking?” I am not the girl who usually wins stuff. But by what followed, I don’t think that’s what she meant.

“You have something you were born with, a God given talent, something you were meant to pursue,” she said.

Intrigued, I began to wonder what this special talent was, and once again Pamela switched tunes.

She told me I would feel I had achieved more this year than during any other in my life, and that the past six months had been a period of change.

I immediately began replaying the past few months in my mind. About six months ago I graduated with a master’s degree in journalism. Just about a month after that I was hired as a staff reporter with Times/Review Newsgroup. In the midst of all this I started dating a guy who seems to always keep me smiling. All amazing changes personally and professionally.

Pamela went on to tell me I have lucky three months coming my way. Apparently the stars will align for me through August, September, and October.  It makes me wonder what else the year has to offer.

She also managed to tell me I give great advice to friends, but never seem to take any of my own. This could in fact be true, but enough about that.

In all, Pamela pleasantly surprised me. While I may not be getting married like my orange loving co-worker, maybe something special is coming my way.


Written By Cyndi Murray and Carrie Miller