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Greenport may soon serve as the backdrop for an episode of the HBO series “Girls.” The show’s producers are eyeing the village as a possible location, according to village clerk Sylvia Pirillo.

Ms. Pirillo stressed that the idea is in its early stages.

The producers would need to inform the village of the exact site for filming and the number of vehicles the crews would use. If Greenport is selected, filming would take place in mid-June, Ms. Pirillo said.

In recent years Greenport has become the location of choice for many film, magazine and television shoots.

“We’ve had Vogue, German Vogue and the Katie Holmes movie ‘The Romantics,’ ” Ms. Pirillo said. “We’re having this happen more and more.”

In the mid-90s parts of the film “The Devil’s Own” starring Harrison Ford and Brad Pitt were filmed in Greenport.

East Marion and Orient are also being considered as possible locations for “Girls,” Ms. Pirillo said.

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