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A Cross Sound Ferry passes the Orient Point Lighthouse. Built in 1899, it’s often referred to as the Coffee Pot Lighthouse.

It may be a part of Southold Town, but Fishers Island is closer to Connecticut than it is to the North Fork.  

The Island of about 235 year-round residents is nine miles long and just a mile wide. Most of the roughly 2,000 people who visit the Island on weekends come from Connecticut and Massachusetts, since the only access from Long Island is to first take the Cross Sound Ferry to New London and to then take another boat to Fishers Island.

The journey to Fishers Island is marked by its beautiful lighthouse views. Here are a few of our favorite shots from a trip there last week.

The ferry gave us a good view of Race Rock Lighthouse one of the more unique looking of the trip.
The ferry gave us a good view of Race Rock Lighthouse one of the more unique looking of the trip. Located southwest of Fishers Island it was built between 1871 and 1878. The lighthouse is believed by some to be haunted.
Yes, that is a police station. The state police barracks on the Island.
Yes, that is a police station. The state police barracks on the Island.
We never did figure out who owned this car, but it showed up at several points during our day on the Island.
We never did figure out who owned this car, but it showed up at several points during our day on the Island.